Sep 28, 2021 at 02:08 pm

Help we need, Hope we have

Update posted by Adri Botes
Help We Need, Hope We Have! Abused women and children staying in a temporary safe house in South Africa need your help please, urgently. Everyone has their story. We live in a world of inbalance and injustice but the extremes are severe here in South Africa with poverty and unemployment rates very high. However, our story is a story of hope, enthusiasm, action and love – HEAL. We are two motivated women staying with our children in this temporary safe house that relies solely on the donations from kind hearted people within our community. The safe house and it's clients have to remain anonymous for obvious reasons. We are the lucky ones to have had the help that this unique haven provides and not been forced to the streets or other ill eqipped shelters. Unfortunately our time is running out very quickly and we have many serious challenges to overcome. Firstly, we need funding to find a place to stay and financial support to cover us while we set up our business idea that will not only help us and our children but many others too. I am British with an expired visa and passport which is expensive to renew. As a non citizen of South Africa and now an illegal immigrant, I face possible deportation and separation from my child and I need an immigration lawyer which are limited here and also very expensive. I do not have family and I can not legally work here. I can’t claim for any social grants or child benefits and completely rely on my friends support which is also a struggle for them. I have been in contact with the British Embassy who can not help financially but have been a emotional support and that’s how my daughter and I are currently living at the safe house. I’m just one story of many but for my friend and also hopefully business partner to be, her struggle is intense. Having a child with down syndrome and west syndrome takes it's toll on parents with finacial and family support. She is like me, soon to be homeless, without work or family support. She is constantly running around after her daughter that needs 24hr supervision. Her daughter's limited but expensive diet is only one aspect to contend with. The cost of diapers and continual washing of bed linen has become a norm for her but the worry of her child’s special needs long term is sometimes too much to bare. However, we are survivors, strong and determined with a dream and just need a chance to land on our feet to support ourselves and our children. This is why we are asking you, the public for funding please as we have no other alternatives. Thanking you in advance and with hope.
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