Jul 10, 2021 at 08:11 am

Feeding Dogs and buy food

Update posted by jan laumann

Hello, at this Point WE share the Freefoodtable with the Freefoodkitchen for the dogs, WHO are very hungry AS you can see. Actually there is a small Lack of Support from Humans, and the Donations at this Point would far away from Organisation of a daily or weekly Freefoodkitchen. May be my Marketing IS wrong, may be to much Other interests in the World. May be May be May be.

So i concentrate on feeding daily Dogs WHO are very shy, left behind and starving in the Jungle. There is a Place on the "Highway to AoYai" where the dogs are allways waiting for me, Like waiting for the Bus, to get food.

The know me and the Sound of my Bike allready. Its about 8 skinny Dogs.

Also we buy Rice for one Family without Work Power or shower living in the Jungle.

To make the Freefoodtable true, i am looking further for support. One day will come true before the great Reset, i guess. So the Money will BE directly Invested into small daily help until the table IS ready.

If you wanna know more "be free to Contact me"...

Jan 🦎 Tukkeland 🏳️‍🌈

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