Apr 29, 2021 at 05:06 pm

Rays of light... Lots of them!!!

Update posted by Eugenia Wo Ching

I've been feeling the warmth!

Thank you Tracey and Tim and all the friends from Minnesota! Last night I dreamt we were on the field on that snowless and unusually warm winter morning taking turns, swinging the bat and hitting hard the softball... what a nice feeling! I can't remember which team won though, because all that mattered were the laughs...

Quiero agradecer a la familia Murillo igualmente, por su generosa contribución (Gaby, Cata, doña Ana y don Rolando). También a Rose Marie, Paulina y doña Carmen. Al tīo Arturo y su red de amigos. A mis primos Rodrigo y José Roberto Moya que donaron a través de una fundación. A Kattia y a su Kangu express. And Robin, I will never forget.

So there is $1800 apart from the total you see on this page. I was able to pay all standing bills so far which is great news! De poquito en poquito se llena el tarrito como decimos aquí...!

This week I also visited my endocrinologist and she put me back on track.

In 2 weeks I'm due for a check up to assess the possibility of a laser treatment on my right eye. And the next pair of injections... I sometimes feel like this is something out of a scene of the clockwork orange...

I have now my route, all I need is to follow it. And as for the dicomfort and pain, hugs and kisses and love from my kids is all I need!! Pollitos bellos !

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