Oct 27, 2020 at 11:09 pm

Kitten siblings decided to sleep beside me!

Update posted by Mishel Aquino

An update on how the cats are doing!

Yesterday, on the 27th of October (Philippine Standard Time), the kittens, Nana and Kyu once again went to my bedroom (at different times on the same day) and decided to have their nap beside me. The first one to do so was Kyu.

She decided to sleep ON my dress. But then, I needed to pee. I waited for about half an hour to see if she would wake up, because I didn't want to disturb her nap. No luck! I either have to move so slow, or cut that part of my pajama dress; I decided to do the former. I couldn't rip my dress with just my bare hands and I had no cutting tools near me ≧∇≦

I was successful in my endeavor! And when I returned to bed, she curled up against me again!

She's so adorable! Later that afternoon, it was Nana who came to take a nap beside me.

Thank goodness I didn't have to move for quite a while! It was also my younger sister's birthday ฅ'ω'ฅ


We are now arranging the schedule for the spay operation of Nana and Kyu. I'll post another update on that soon!

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