Jun 17, 2020 at 07:28 am


Update posted by JeanPierre de Greef

Picture it for a moment. You are sitting underneath a starry canopy of stars on a warm summers night. Mixed in with that unmistakable, cozy popcorn smell you can almost catch a hint of sea drifting on the cool swaying breeze, or so you imagine, smiling to yourself as it's that kind of night. Your loved ones by your side, carefree and absorbed in the moment. Good, messy food within easy reaching distance. A big screen, flickering it's celluloid dreams of rollicking adventure onto enraptured faces.The whole scene caught in dreamy moonlight blue. If this sounds like a good night out to you, then you're going to love #FliekVlooi.

Coming soon to a moonlit space near you. #DriveIn #Movies #George

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