Jun 10, 2020 at 10:04 pm

Funds Delivered

Update posted by Stephen Perry

So far 6,500,000 has been received by the group organising things in Batukaras

The main guys on the ground there are Gilang from Coboi Coffee Deni Firman and Cep Black

Message from Gilang:

Last night we have a meeting with Dorus, some of teenager cimitero, head of batukaras disaster volunteer.... I was the chairman of a meeting and they put me as a leader of the movement

We decided :

1.For the first money we make 80 packages of bassi food ( rice, chicken, vegetable oil, vegetable, and some spicy)

2. Our first target are they are who stay at the lower economic statues ( old matron, rrphans, etc)

3. Today we start to collecting data about them

4. We start for making packages on saturday

5. We send packages on Sunday morning

I have forwarded a similar sum of money from the fund this morning

as we can see our efforts will get to those most in need which is most gratifying

Thankyou everybody

for sharing this campaign and especially those who have donated

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