May 08, 2020 at 03:03 pm

2 days ago....

Update posted by Marianna Adam

Hi everyone,

I want to thank your for your generous support so far. I would like to post news every day however time is quite limited and there is a lot of work that must be done.

2 days ago I found this adorable cat in my area, Exarheia, Athens, Greece. She was abandoned about a month ago and since then she was wandering around seeking for someone to love her. Yesterday my friends Stella Anton help me by paying for spaying this cat. We took her to the vet and thankfully everything is ok now. Although I have to take care many cats, I try to assist as many as possible stray cats. My friends help me as much as possible on rescuing and spaying as many stray cats as possible. I understand there are too many out there and is not possible to take care all stray animals but we will keep doing it for as long as we can :)

Feel free to share my campaign and once more a huge thanks for caring!!! :)

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