Nov 14, 2021 at 07:05 am

We've got news!!

Update posted by Lital Ben Haim

During our time as asylum seekers in Cyprus, out of them 10 months of homelessness, extreme hardship that is presented in the documentary film ASYLUM Love has no borders, media interviews worldwide, a fundraiser called Support Stateless Family that enables open hearted people to support our journey, and basically allowed us to survive and carry on, and our followers know that recently we were ready to give it all up and leave Cyprus and the pending asylum application. And then, after we broke down, light started to shine through the cracks: we moved to another mountainous village, a change that lifted our spirits, here we are more social and more active, we walk in the nature and we sing... And then suddenly, after waiting for 2 years, 9 months and 4 days, we were granted a refugee status.

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