Apr 21, 2020 at 12:43 pm

Maligno oboljeli posebno su ranjiva skupina društva. / The malignant people are a particularly vulnerable group of society

Update posted by Ramona Rafajec

Maligno oboljeli posebno su ranjiva skupina društva. Sadašnje okolnosti za njih su životni izazov kojeg je teško opisati riječima.

Uz nemogućnost redovitih odlazaka na preglede i terapije, otežanu nabavu lijekova, izostanak kućnih posjeta od strane patronažnih sestara, fizioterapeuta, asistenata ili drugog zdravstvenog osoblja, nemogućnost odlazaka u poliklinike za bol, primorani su i na izolaciju, ne mogu primati posjete prijatelja, primati podršku volontera…
Nemaju dovoljno dezinficijensa, maski i rukavica za zaštitu ako su kojim slučajem primorani otići nekamo…
Svaki dan slušaju o tome da se ne smiju razboljeti jer su visokorizična skupina…

Zdravim je osobama u sadašnjoj situaciji teško.
Pokušajte na minutu stati u cipele maligno oboljele osobe.
Teško je, zar ne?
Pomozimo im.
Neka znaju da nisu sami.


The malignant people are a particularly vulnerable group of society. The current circumstances for them are a life challenge that is difficult to describe in words. With the inability to go to check-ups and therapies on a regular basis, the difficult purchase of medicines, the absence of home visits by nurses, physical therapists, assistants or other healthcare staff, the inability to go to pain clinics, being forced into isolation, unable to receive visits from friends, receiving support volunteers ...They do not have enough disinfectants, masks and gloves to protect themselves if they are forced to go somewhere ...They hear every day about not getting sick because they are a high-risk group…

It is difficult for healthy people in the present situation.Try to fit into the shoes of a malignant person for a minute.It's hard, isn't it?Let's help them.Let them know that they are not alone.

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