Apr 01, 2020 at 10:45 am


Update posted by Filip Brnicevic

Dear donors,

first of all we already want to say once again - THANK YOU! Because of your help, we have already reached an amount of 2.799,00 €!! That means so much to us, but more importantly, to all of the people that needs help in these difficult times!

Yesterday was a big day! We started sharing free food, and reactions were so touching for everyone involved. Words can not describe that feeling. Please check out our Facebook profile to see some pictures and to get even more familiar with this amazing story.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joyful.kitchen.zg/

Please share further because all of these really makes difference!!


Dragi svi,

prije svega vam želimo još jednom reći - HVALA! Zbog vaše pomoći već smo dostigli iznos od 2.799,00 € !! To nam neizmjerno znači, ali još i više svim ljudima kojima je pomoć u ovim teškim trenucima zaista najpotrebnija!

Jučer je bio veliki dan! Počeli smo dijeliti besplatnu hranu, a reakcije su bile dirljive te riječi ne mogu opisati taj osjećaj! Pogledajte naš Facebook profil kako biste vidjeli prve foto materijale, ali i kako biste se još više upoznali s ovom nevjerojatnom pričom.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joyful.kitchen.zg/

Molim vas, podijelite dalje jer sve to doista ima značaja !!

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