Mar 12, 2020 at 05:51 pm


Update posted by Trisha Tan

Asher has had a rough, rough day. Sweet boy. The doctors are thinking that his fever is coming from “tracheitis” which is an infection of the trachea (breathing tube or windpipe) that is caused by bacteria. Asher has been started on Vancomycin and Cefepime for treatment.

His nebulizer treatments are starting to help break up the junk we are suctioning out and he is having less cyanotic spells due to the mucous plugging his tracheostomy. Now, if the nurse does anything(so small as putting a blanket over him or changing his diaper) he gets MAD and holds his breath setting off all the bells and whistles.

They fix one thing and he finds something else to bring the party back to his room.

I’m not sure if ENT will change out his trach tomorrow or not with the presuming tracheitis or if they will have to wait until it’s treated. Now, we wait. I’ll update more when I know stuff.

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