Mar 13, 2020 at 12:28 pm

Diabetes Education Outreach at the Limbe Bota hospital for nursing mothers

Update posted by Justine NKENGBEZA TAKU

Yesterday 12th of March 2020, All4Women association for Diabetes carried out a diabetes sensitisation and education campaign for nursing mothers at the Limbe Botal Hospital.

Campaign ojectives

- Sensitized nursing mothers on gestational diabete and the the type 1 and 2 diabetes in women and children.

-symptoms of diabetes and how it affects children

- Healthy eating to prevent and control diabetes.

- How diabetes contributes to other health issues like kidney, heart, stroke etc.


It was a successful day. The turnout was very impressive. We have over 50 nursing mothers with babies.

But we are amazed to know that.. among these 50 women present, one 1 women knew what gestational diabetes was!

We were satisfied with the level of knowledge shared through demonstration and with the assistance of the Doctor.

From the Q&A session we were happy to see that everybody was curious to know more and learn how to prevent this disease.

We plan another for visit on the 18th of March 2020 for a free diabetes screening for pregnant women.

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