Jan 28, 2020 at 10:14 pm

A gift to all supporters / Dāvana katram atbalstītājam

Update posted by Kristaps Kulpe

Sveiki draugi!
Paldies visiem, kas esat mani jau atbalstījuši (gan daloties ar manu ierakstu facebook, gan ziedojot). Tas man nozīmē ļoti daudz un iedrošina turpināt iesākto.

Atklāšu jums, ka patreiz strādāju pie savas bērnu oriģinālstāstu sērijas, kas saucas “Divu brāļu stāsti”. Šie stāsti aizsākās, kad mani abi dēli bija mazi puikas, mēs vakaros izdomājām neticamus stāstus par diviem brāļiem un viņu runci vārdā Tomāts. Tagad šos stāstu sāk izsapņot mana meitiņa Sofija, bet kas notiks, kas viņa izaugs?
Ticu, ka daudzi bērni varēs tos turpināt sapņot pateicoties tieši jums!

Tad nu lūk, es apsolu katram, kas ir ziedojis, vai vēl tikai ziedos, dāvināt stāsta pirmās daļas audio versiju. Tā būs kvalitatīvi ierakstīta ar iegādāto aparatūru un būs pieejama internetā lejuplādēšanai Latviešu un Angļu valodā.
Tātad, katrs ziedotājs (neatkarīgi no summas) saņems audiogrāmatu kā pateicību.

Paldies vēlreiz par atbalstu un ceru uz drīzu sadzirdēšanos!


Hello friends!

Thanks to all of you who have already supported me (by sharing my campaign on facebook or even donating). Thank you, it means a lot to me and gives me faith to continue in direction I’ve started.

I would like to reveal to you that I’m currently working on my own original children’s story series. It’s called: The tales of two brothers. These short stories started when my two sons were just small boys. Before going to sleep we would come up with unbelievable tales of two brothers and their nifty cat named Tomato. Boys have grown up and today these stories are continued by my little daughter Sophie. But what will be with them when she grows up too? I believe that many children will be able to continue them thanks to you!

And comes the main thing – I promise that everyone who will or has support me with a donation, will receive an audio version of first story from these series. The story will be recorded with the purchased equipment in my home studio and will be available online for limited free download in English and Latvian.

One more time – every donation is backed (despite the amount) by a free audio story as a thank you gift.

Thank you and I hope to be heard soon!


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