Jan 01, 2020 at 04:07 am

Inclusion Matters

Update posted by Rachael Abbott

Hello! In my story I shared that I participated in the Theatre For All Program at Queens Theatre. This is a great article about the importance of inclusion in the arts and the impact that Theatre For All has. I participated in the interview. I want to clarify one thing from the article. The Theatre For All program is so important because it’s freeing. Meaning in my experience when I was discussing academics. Theatre For All is freeing to be a person, to be an actor not a problem or an accommodation issue. I mean TFA is free but that is not why it’s valuable. The value is in the lasting affect it has on the participants life personally and professionally and the amazing facilitators and organizers who give everything to the program and the participants. Thank you TFA Family!!!! Check out the article! https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/vincent-donofrio-sits-down-disabled-202523311.html?soc_src=community&soc_trk=fb&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9tLmZhY2Vib29rLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJxyu6bpIkd_sADv_vapLUSFE4piDcYMJltdjCiDoAMsuvD0OCZeDTsSy7PeXT1T7fS1VlR8I4SrrEyhyPzzFDXrKbrvrCFerCychhjwP4ggT6C11dx5-SJCXQ68-bpvd7pf-pRz0F5Vwbh7bQm7fCsX-nDiw57t0ImyGUdyg3FD&_guc_consent_skip=1577847261&guccounter=1

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