Jan 02, 2020 at 11:59 am

​Update on Daniel Jaco Louw's recovery

Update posted by Adriana Rademeyer

Update on Daniel Jaco Louw's recovery: Since the 16th December, quite a lot has happened, no surgery on 17th as planned, but xrays done and a visit to the urology dept, 20th - fantastic news, the External Fixation on the pelvic area was removed as the pelvis has grown on miraculously by itself - proving and reminding us yet again the power of prayer! 23rd - the Physio now really getting serious with exercise program, but Jaco taking it a bit slow..., 25th - Christmas lunch in hospital joined by family..., 27th - back to theatre for debrivement and doctors started with skin grafts, 28th - had first proper hairwash since 8/11 , beard shaved and haircut, 1st Jan - New Year lunch in hospital bed... 2nd Jan - as we speak, he is in theatre for debrivement, thank you so much for all the visitors over this period, all the videos received for 2020 wishes, he really enjoyed every one😀 Then again a big thank you for all the donations received so far, your continued support and prayers🙏🏻

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