Dec 10, 2019 at 10:30 am

When the primary household provider falls sick and is unable to work - one families story

Update posted by Monica McWhirter

They have 8 family members. 6 siblings and 2 parents. The father is extremely ill, as his kidneys shut down. They borrowed money from everyone to be able to buy a new kidney and for him to have his operation. They owe approximately, $27,711.88 as a result of the procedure and medical costs. The father now unable to work is unable to make the money to pay back costs. One of their sons dropped out of school and is the soul provider to their family, bringing in less then $5.00 per day. The father requires "a oxygen machine" which is hooked up to electricity. Since electricity costs approximately between $30.00 and $60.00 per month for this family when public electricity is not in service, they are unable to afford the cost. His cost for medication is around $30 per month which is often also not affordable. At times, some local community members will attempt to help them, when they themselves are able and this is not always a possibility.

The father was a sheep farmer, his family lived off of the land. They expressed gratitude for all that they had and were warm and inviting, when I arrived to complete the interview. They need help and some of the money raised will be going directly to this family and others like them.

Due to fear of the repercussions of having their names and images released, it was agreed that it would not be shared. Many families are in situations like this and we can help.

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