Dec 09, 2019 at 01:42 pm


Update posted by Zharline Merz Fernandez

Marie Kathyline, a mother of three (3), is currently fighting for her life in the ICU against stroke. She had an attack last December 6, 2019 and was diagnosed that a nerve in her brain ruptured and the blood in it spread in some parts of her brain. She undergone craniotomy last December 7, 2019 to vacuum out the excess water in her brain which was the main cause of her struggle. She is now confined in the ICU for her recovery and further observation and monitoring. We are knocking unto your hearts for additional financial support to cover her hospital bills and other medical expenses for her faster recovery. Any amount is greatly appreciated since it is a grace given by you. We also ask for your prayers to help her win this battle. Thank you so much for your kindness.

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