Nov 13, 2019 at 03:40 pm

One day at a time

Update posted by Althea Mason

I cannot imagine being bound to a hospital bed 24/7 and being dependent on others for everything. Tonight as I visited with Heng, I marvelled at his smile and his lack of complaints. In a split second so much has changed in his life and it will be all the seconds in the days, weeks and months ahead of him that will require all of his strength and determination on his journey to a full recovery. (That is what we are praying for)

Tonight I asked him to squeeze my hand with his left hand. Some of his fingers curled into my hand and although it wasn't quite a squeeze, it was an effort and he tried. He needs a lot of encouragement and stimulation.

if anyone would like to send cards or an email that I can print please let me know. We will be setting Heng up with a computer and email account so people can send their best wishes, jokes, funny pictures etc to him.

Thank you so much for caring.

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