Sep 19, 2019 at 04:15 pm

Goal for this Fundraiser

Update posted by Robert L Rehberger

Hello my name is Robert Rehberger - Former multi state licensed attorney and University school of Business Professor.

This Fundraiser is to support an action in the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia and the United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit. This action will hopefully solve many of the problems described below which affects almost all citizens and almost all residents. The problems that I am describing promote a dysfunctional legal system by the creation of a form over substance legal system that allows the denial of basic due process rights and fundamental substantive constitutional provisions not by a ruling on the merits of the issues raised but by a procedural denial to reach the actual merits of the claims raised.

The above described underlying problems allow special interest groups to achieve the denial of any disfavored right including first amendment rights to anyone and to deny all rights to any disfavored person in order to advance or to satisfy the hidden agendas of these various special interest groups. These special interest groups have created or encouraged the underlying form over substance operation forced upon courts that actually alters the actual rule and function of courts in reference to the other branches of government in order to advance special protection, special economic benefits, or other special benefits for those groups at the expense of denying various rights to all others.

Please assist me by donating funds so that courts may be returned to their proper role and function in reference to the other branches of government this would help to prevent illegal amending or voiding of the United States Constitution and the various State Constitutions

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