Apr 22, 2020 at 10:27 am

More information about the Trial

Update posted by Henrik Huseby

Judge Ringnes pointed out that the appeal should be decided after written consideration.

The parties shall each submit their main post. The main post is designed as a written

procedure with ongoing references to actual and legal excerpts. That which

the process agents normally would have read in the counter from the excerpts should be marked in

excerpts. The process agents each use their own color. It is not necessary to take the text as it is referred to in the main post.

If no disposition is presented, it must submit a table of contents or make use of headings that give a good overview of post structure.

Help documents can be submitted in the usual way.

The main post should concludes with a statement.

The deadline for the parties' main submissions was set on Tuesday, April 28, 2020.

The parties have the right to deliver two posts each. Any other post should have the appearance of a reply and rejoinder.

The parties may exchange main submissions before the deadline for submitting the main submissions, thus reducing the need for replication and rejoinder.

Henrik Huseby (Attorney Per Harald Gjerstad - to trial) towards Apple Inc. (Attorney Sigurd Holter Torp)


The deadline for the parties' replies and rejoinder was set on Tuesday 5 May 2020.

Cost statements come with replica and rejoinder at the same time.

The submissions on costs may include procedure on case cost issues.

The parties have a deadline of 7 May 2020 for any comments on the counterparty's cost statement.

Actual and legal excerpts have already been submitted.

However, the parties' markings must be incorporated into these.

Attorney Holter Torp will check with his own document center how this is done is practically done with markings and uploads in the Actors portal.

Judge Ringnes pointed out that it is possible to supplement the written submissions with one short distance meeting.

The parties were given the opportunity to give their views on this.

Neither party saw it needed such a remote meeting at the present time, but wanted it as one

possibility if the Supreme Court deems it necessary.

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