May 24, 2015 at 12:17 am

Week 3

Update posted by Nicole Brierley

I'm excited to say, Joey and Julia finally made it to Memphis earlier this week, with Nick's Poppi! They have spent the last few days (after Nick's apts.) building Legos, playing with rc toys, and playing video games together. It is so good to have dinner as a family, and just being together again!

Nicks appointments have slowed down now that most of all the initial visits are through, which is good because our days just became even more challenging. You see, for his radiation procedure, Nick is required to lay perfectly still for about 20 minutes. If he moves, he would be receiving radiation to parts of his body that don't need it, and that's not safe. As if that wasn't hard enough to do, this process triggered Nicks brain into thinking there was this REALLY bad smell. After trying 5 radiation appointments awake, Nick was struggling to ignore it. Nick was too fidgety and the doctors believed it was not safe to continue while being awake anymore. They tried to put things in front of him that smelled good, but since there was no actual scent, they just couldn't cover it up. They even tried meds to just relax him, but nothing was giving him enough relief.

Yesterday was Nicks 3rd sedated treatment, and although he is restricted from eating the morning of the procedure now, and the radiation takes about 2hrs. each day instead of 30 minutes, Nick seems to have less anxiety about his treatments. Also the past 4 days, he has been less nauseous and eating better! The doctors say there are 12 more times that his brain could be tricked, so the plan is to remain being sedated for those. After that, he still has 10 radiation treatments left. However, that process for the last 10 will be different, it won't trigger the smell and we can try doing it awake again.

We have found that watching Americas Funniest Videos, or a game of Sorry, help relax him and make him laugh. We even got to go check out the new Bass Pro Shop that opened up down here inside The Pyramid. We took an elevator 25 stories up to an outdoor observation deck with glass floor. Everyone loved it, and it was great to have some family fun!!

I am so thankful for all of you who have contributed to this website, or to any of the other fundraisers for our family. It's a blessing to have so many friends and family coordinating different ways for us to receive the help we need to get through this. Thank you!

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