Jul 22, 2019 at 06:11 pm

Wow, thank you so much!

Update posted by Vida Cruz

FUNDED IN 8 HOURS! You are all truly amazing, whether you donated or just shared the campaign. I'm absolutely floored by the generosity I've been shown; and thanks to you, I can breathe a little easier in the days leading up to this trip!

As an aside, this overwhelming generosity helped to bolster me, as I encountered some insensitive comments regarding this campaign, most especially "do what everyone else who doesn't have enough money to go to cons: sell your ticket and stay at home." It was pretty disheartening, particularly as I come from a country where minimum wage is less than 200 euros. So, as a good friend put it, all of you are helping diversify the SFF community, in this case by helping lower the barriers to convention attendance of someone not from the white west. On a lighter note, even if I'd been so inclined to do as that person said, I couldn't sell a con ticket that was already gifted to me via Con or Bust 😜 I guess it's a sign that I've arrived as a writer 😂

Also, good things come in threes! Earlier today, I was invited to guest on a live recording session of a podcast during WorldCon (but I won't say which one yet while the schedule isn't out) and I just got hired as a senior book editor for a local publisher! I won't be coming in until after WorldCon, though 😁

So what's next? Well, some people have expressed to me that they'd like to donate but haven't yet had the time to, so I'm leaving this fundraiser up for now. While I wait, I'll be furiously cobbling together the trip itinerary and reviewing for my panels–I've got three panels and as welk as the live podcast recording guesting! Wish me luck :)

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