Jul 14, 2019 at 08:18 am

Updates as of July 14, 2019

Update posted by Teza Mae Satorre

Yesterday (July 13) late afternoon, we were already given the clearance by both cardiologist and gastroenterologist that Kit can already go home. We were not able to process the discharge because we still lack funds. So we decided to just let Kit stay here at the hospital while I find ways to look for funds.

Earlier today (July 14), around 9:10am, a few minutes after Kit had breakfast, he felt an excruciating pain in his chest. He then started to complain about a difficulty in breathing. There is this "noise" and vibration felt when you put the palm of your hand on top of Kit's left chest.

Around 9:20am, Kit became unresponsive. He was closing his eyes and won't respond when called. He only stared blankly right at me. I immediately notified the nurses and requested they get Kit vital signs. Kit also requested that he wants his cardiologist to be notified about what happened to him.

Dr Camomot came around 10:30am and informed us that it is better if we defer the discharge and let Kit stay at the hospital. He prescribed kit with intravenous meds for the heart again to help stabilize Kit's bp. He also informed us that the "noise" or vibration felt on kit's chest is pericarditis. Dr Camomot also wants Kit to have a 2D echo tomorrow to check and verify if it is indeed pericarditis.

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