Oct 13, 2019 at 11:38 am

Thank you everyone!

Update posted by Jessica Daffon

A good day to you!

I'm sorry I haven't ben updating lately, life has gotten busy. It's been almost two months since baby Rafa got out of the hospital. He's had a lot of check ups since then and there was even a worrying moment about a problem with his heart. Thankfully, as long as he doesn't strain himself he will be okay.

My sister and her husband are slowly paying off their debts, which was only possible because of everyone's generosity and kindness. I would like to extend their and my family's most heartfelt thanks for being there and providing your support and prayers during a difficult trial.

In several days time, October 20, 2019, this fundraising page will finish. Even though we didn't reach our goal, we were lucky enough to have been given enough money to not be crushed by crippling debts. If not for all of your generosity, it would have been difficult to check out of the hospital because of the inability to pay the mother and baby Rafa's bills. But because of all of you we managed to get where we are now and Baby Rafa is with his parents, mending but finally home.

So thank you and god bless everyone!

I wish you all the good fortune and happiness in life.

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