Jul 11, 2019 at 02:45 am

July 11, 2019 Morning updates

Update posted by Jessica Daffon

(Baby Rafa during the cranial ultrasound procedure a few days ago, the next day was the lumbar puncture procedure)

The test results of the lumbar puncture procedure came out late last night. It's Bacterial Meningitis.

Bacterial meningitis is inflammation of the meninges due to bacterial invasion. Signs are those of sepsis, CNS irritation (eg, lethargy, seizures, vomiting, irritability [particularly paradoxical irritability], nuchal rigidity, a bulging or full fontanelle), and cranial nerve abnormalities. Diagnosis is by lumbar puncture. Treatment is with antibiotics.

According to my brother-in-law his sepsis is gone now and the doctor said the baby's on anti-convulsion meds. His vomit tube has been taken off now too.

He will undergo EEG later today. Please pray for baby Rafa.

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