Sep 22, 2019 at 04:52 am

Chimney Removals

Update posted by Peter Beart

In just the past few days, we have attended to three Roof removals and two chimney removals. The roof removals had to be cutouts, the most stressfull interference with the ladies home. The hive is accessed (sounds easy when you say it hey !) and the comb removed and cut to fit into the brood box frames. with as many bees as possible, the remaining bees are then coaxed into the box with their comb and the whole box transported to a secure site with loads of forage and food if needed for their recovery. the chimneys are a little less stressfull on the girls, by "trapping out" we allow the girls to leave the hive but not return and providing a nice cosy alternative adjacent to the original entrance, its hoped they will simply move across. This process takes at leats 31 days, a few days for the queen to realise her workers are not returning to her, so she come out looking for them, hopefully they introduce her to the new catchbox home, and 21 days after that the last of her eggs hatch and develop in to flying bees and join the colony in their new home. the catch box is then relocated to a safe bee friendly site for them to continue to repair and grow the colony in peace. Always the problem with chimney removals is providing a favourable climate for the bees new home, note the catchboxes in the images are installed on the south side of the chimneys so they are not in the full African sun for too long. Oh and the Digital dish receivers are not actually for the bees..... they can't find anything decent to watch either....

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