Aug 01, 2019 at 12:43 pm

15 Days Left Save CEBH. Another Survivor's Story of Healing for Her and Her Children

Update posted by Michele Zehr

Hello everyone! We are steadily making it towards our goal and THANK YOU SO MUCH for all of the support so far! We're almost there, but we only have 15 days left to save our programs. Why is this so important? Here is another testimonial from a survivor who attended one of our programs. It was not only her, but her children's lives at stake, and I can tell you now that she has triumphed and has also turned her entire life around for her and her children's sake! Please contribute and share this campaign with your network. Together, we can do this if everyone gives a little! Read her testimonial below:

"I want to thank you all. Every member of the staff. Every camper who touched my heart. Since I can remember, I have struggled and hid my true self. I've hurt, I've hated, I've hindered myself. But this last year or two had been particularly hard for me and my children. I hit my personal rock bottom. I was becoming everything I didn't want to be. I was hating myself. My pain led me to do things I hated. After 3 weeks in a coma, my demons (and subsequent addictions) literally almost killed me. Enough was enough. My therapist told me about Camp Mabon and I was terrified. I tried to think of every reason not to attend. My anxiety was paralyzing. But I was tired of letting fear and uncertainty control me.

I truly couldn't be happier I came. You all affected more in a few days than many have in my whole life. It's so hard to explain. You can’t really. But once you're a part of this Sisterhood, it just makes sense. I've never felt stronger. I've never felt happier about the person I know my God created me to be. I'm not saying I don't have hard days. I do. But there's a certainty I have now that I didn't have before coming to camp. And a certainty that I can, and will, make it through anything. I was having a hard day last week, but instead of wallowing and making things worse for myself, I went to my sisters for love. The support I got from them got me through that day. A year ago that day would have done me in for more than just that moment. But this day, I overcame the struggle.

A lot of that was the love and support I got from the friends in my back pocket. I feel confident doing things that scare me now (for the most part). A complete 180 from the me I thought I was before camp. I use Camp Mabon as an example for myself in my life daily: "Think how scared you were to attend camp. And look at all you'd have missed out on if you chickened out. Try this. You might miss out on something amazing if you don't..." Camp Mabon has become part of my Mantra. It was always in me. But in just a few days I discovered what was always there. Strength.

I can't begin to explain the joy it is having these amazing women I experienced this Camp with in my life. We uplift each other. We support each other. And most importantly, we understated each other differently than most. Every emotion, every second of sadness, mourning and hurting; I know I have nonjudgmental, loving women in my corner. I couldn't be more grateful. From the deepest corners of my heart, Thank you!!!"--A.M.

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