Jun 02, 2019 at 11:58 am

10 cold boxes!

Update posted by Kate Brownlow

Fantastic! We now have funds for ten cold boxes!

This is great news - a single cold box (depending on where it is sent) could be used to vaccinate around 200 infants in a day of vaccination outreach to remote communities and villages!

The campaign dashboard says we've raised just 1% of target - the thing is - rather than negative, it is positive...every little bit makes a big difference!

Plus, we are pursuing these cold chain products on a number of different fronts, including, for example, lobbying non-governmental organisations involved in reconstruction of health facilities to include fridges in their budgets. I hope to give more updates on that soon!

Please continue to share the link with as many people as you feel will be interested - and have a great day!

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