Mar 17, 2019 at 06:09 pm

The Day She was Born

Update posted by Fritz Gerald Tomo

Name: Riley Kassidy Tomo

Wt: 2.88 Kl

Height: 50 CM

She was born December 4, 2018 5:14PM via emergency CS, she was supposed to be delivered normal but had to go emergency CS because of prolong labor, eventually the reason there was no progress is because of cord coiling. She spent 1 day in NICU for observation as she had difficulties with breathing even though her oxygen level was normal. We were advised there will be a blood test done if no improvement after 24 hours. Fortunately, her breathing pace became stable and was discharged the next day to be with us as I (mother) was recovering from the CS delivery. We went home on December 7, 2018.

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