Mar 15, 2019 at 02:14 pm

Initial Screening Process

Update posted by Margaret Els

15 | 03 | 2019

Yesterday we attended our first appointment and full-day information session with Amoré Malherbe at Wilna Malherbe Adoption Services in the Strand. It was a long day (9:30am to 4pm) and we got a figurative METRIC TON of information to absorb, but she was so friendly and accommodating. She even served us snacks and a delicious lunch during the session.

Even though we were nervous and didn't quite know what to expect, it was a very positive experience and we had a lot of our question answered and worries put to rest. There were even options such as embryonic adoption, which were highlighted that we didn't even realise were available to us.

As previously mentioned, we've already paid the initial R7000 necessary to start this 'Screening Process'. This includes our agency's Enrich Prepare Program, Psycho-Social Assessment (which is our homework for the weeks ahead), yesterday's information session, as well as the required processing of data and admin fees.

We also have to put together a family profile in order to advertise ourselves to possible biological moms as soon as possible! So please pray for God's guiding hand in that.

After the initial interview, we now have a better understanding of the timeframe involved for white babies (they place about 4 babies a year) and the possible future expenses, which I will explain in detail soon.

Thank you for your prayers. We love you all, as always. x

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