Jan 15, 2019 at 03:24 pm

Participatory photography & video: promoting empowerement and raising awareness with ARSGA.

Update posted by cenix callejo garcia

Angels Refugee Support Group are involved now in a beautiful participatory photography & video project. They are educating themselves and each other in video and photography techniques.

By doing so, they are creating a great and powerful awareness series of video and audio testimonies, which means, as well, a very important tool for empowerment, where they can express themselves and share their stories, struggles, needs and wishes with their community and the world.

Exposing themselves to the cameras, being part of a community that is strongly criminalized in their countries, implies a strong act of bravery and involves risks. They are, despite the consequences, deciding to do so, in order to help other LGTBQI+ refugees to feel less isolated around the world and in order to reach awareness and to be able to create an open-conversation for society to finally understand and embrace the LGTBQI+ community everywhere in the world. Furthermore, in order to create a platform where everybody is safe enough to share their stories, videos and photos are edited to hide and protect the identities of those in danger.

This grasroot project sets up a great example for other LGTBQI+ refugees of all the power they hold when owning the proper safe spaces to meet each other and work together towards an improvement of their own situation and the whole society they live in.

All these opportunities for change would be impossible without the existence of that safe space. A safe space that, despite providing them only with the very basic needs cover, takes them out from the streets and, hence, takes them out from the isolation, the life risk and from a place of strong vulnerability; and places them instead in a place of communal power where they can, not only survive, but also work together to create a better world for them and for the next to come.

Please, help them to keep up this amazing work by keeping them safe.

Donate to this campaign and help to stop the imminent eviction that will send them out to the streets and that will put their lives at a strong risk again.

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