Jan 18, 2019 at 05:13 am

AYA: Immediate Eye Injection for Plus Disease

Update posted by Jencel Marie Marcial-Anguluan

After the 2nd ROP screening last Tuesday, the eye doctor confirmed that her ROP have progressed to Plus Disease and that her right eye is bleeding (internal). She needs to be treated asap to prevent vision loss.

Today, she will receive an eye injection to both eyes with the drug, Avastin, which helps block the growth of abnormal blood vessels in the eye. It's an anti-cancer drug as well. Praying that Aya will respond to this treatment; the doctor will then let her eyes mature some more and then laser eye treatment will be next.

I am terrified of the risks and of the actual procedure, but with your prayers and love, we know Aya will make it.

The good news, Aya has been without oxygen help for days and although there are desats, she is able to recover. We have tried breastfeeding little by little and she has good sucking reflex already, though needs more help due to her small mouth.

I will update you again soon. Thank you for your prayers and support! 💗


Mommy Jeng

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