Jan 12, 2019 at 09:28 pm

Aya: ​Initial ROP (Retinopathy of Prematurity) Findings

Update posted by Jencel Marie Marcial-Anguluan

The initial ROP screening was done and per the ophtalmologist, Aya has pre-Plus Disease in her eyes. It's good to know it's in the "pre" stage but if not monitored it may worsen and progress to blindness.

"Plus disease means that the blood vessels themselves are abnormally twisted and enlarged. A finding of plus disease or its warning signs (known as pre-plus disease) is a serious one, and has become very important in helping doctors decide when treatment is needed." Link on full article HERE.

He recommends another test to be done by Tuesday so he'll be able to assess what are the next steps needed to treat Aya. He said she has to gain weight, since even a little weight gain can help babies with ROP get better with minor intervention.

She also had her cranial ultrasound but I haven't asked for the results yet. For a few days she will receive eye drops, so her recent pictures looked like she just cried.

Please continue to pray for Aya. The thought of her undergoing possible laser treatment or even eye surgery is terrifying. We hope her check-up next week will be better.

Thank you and I will update you soon.


Mommy Jeng

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