Dec 02, 2018 at 02:52 pm

Why Treasured Inheritance Ministries

Update posted by Marlize van der Merwe

So a couple of people have already asked me, why “Treasured Inheritance Ministries” when there is so many other causes that I could’ve chosen, so many other institutions and worthy causes that I could have chosen to support.

A Completely valid question and not something that I can answer in a sentence or two. So please bear with me and read to the end as I try and answer this question to the best of my abilities. (I am not a writer so this might get a bit all over the place but I’m going to keep it real and really share my heart.)

When I was first heard of Treasured Inheritance Ministries I was still very much searching and desperate for answers and for truth. Although by then I had received a tremendous amount of healing in many areas of my life there was still something missing. I am a black and white kind of person, it’s either right or it’s wrong and at that stage I had very few people in my life who was sharing truth and actually leading me towards the no compromise, spirit filled, love relationship I so desperately desired to have with my Creator.

So I was told about Yosef and Aliyah, how they were completely sold out to Yahweh, about the incredible anointing they both carry and how they were tremendous instruments in His Hands. To be honest I thought people were overreacting. In my experience up to that point of my life very few people were really as sold out as they professed to be and compromise was rife. Yes, this was very judgmental of me and I have repented!

From the very first time I met them, I realized though that they were completely focused on Yahweh and His calling for their lives. His plans and purposes for their lives are the most important factors in their lives and they truly live to serve Him and to be His hands and feet to a broken and lost world. They do not hesitate to speak truth and their teachings and ministry not only challenges each person they come into contact with but also inspires you to want to count the cost, to want to become a disciple, to focus on nothing but His complete and perfect plans and purposes for your own life.

Under their ministry and leadership I have grown so tremendously! From a shaky believer who was up and down and just never seemed to be able to get that final breakthrough, to a warrior woman and disciple in the making. I have come to know truth, I have come to realize that I don’t have to be perfect, I just have to be willing. Willing to count the cost, willing to go wherever He leads me, willing to say yes when everyone else is saying no, willing to love Him through it all and in spite of it all. The rest He will do…all He requires is a willing and obedient vessel.

He doesn’t care how broken you were, how much drugs you used to do, how many times you’ve fallen, how many times you rebelled, how many times you ran away, how many times you sinned….He waits with open arms and once you commit wholeheartedly and without reservation He can and will use you!!

Now of course all of us are not called to be a Yosef or Aliyah, all of us aren’t called to give up everything, live in faith and go out to all the world to spread His Truth. But we are called to be there for one another, we are called to love one another as we love ourselves! We can support this incredible ministry through whom Yahweh is truly touching lives. We can go out and bless others through giving to this ministry because we Love Him Enough! So I ask you to prayerfully consider supporting my challenge. All we have is through His grace, so how can we not give?

Be Blessed,


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