Dec 31, 2018 at 02:18 pm

Recovering well...

Update posted by Elizabeth Amoyen

In Abi's own words:

"A month has already passed since my surgery. Now i am able to walk and stand up without any assistance. I can walk straight without falling, my left hand is strong and my dexterity has improved. I wouldn't have regained all this without the support you have extended to me so I can undergo the surgery. Your prayers have also helped me during this trying time. During my operation I lost signal in my spine which means there is serious risk to the spinal cord i.e can result to paralysis. The doctors had to stop and see what was wrong. I believed that because of all your prayers I was able to survive it. After almost 10 hours in surgery and 6 hours in recovery i was able to return to my room and to my family without any major issues.

Yesterday I went to Padre Pio in Libis. I can't stop crying because I felt overwhelming gratitude to the Lord who has shown me a wondrous miracle. He has truly answered my prayers through you. No words can express my gratitude towards all of you. Your financial, physical and spiritual support greatly aided me in facing and overcoming this challenge. Thank you so much. May you and your family be blessed always.

Happy new year!!"

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