Nov 06, 2018 at 05:56 pm

19,611.00 shillings raised! Partial goal reached!

Update posted by Jacob Ravno

-- for english, scroll down --

Af hjertet tak til alle donorer! Familien Otieno kan nu starte en forretning med potentiale til at give dem 5.000 shillings om måneden. Men vi er ikke i mål endnu. Hvis vi indsamler blot 389 shillings (25kr) mere kan familien starte en forretning med potentiale til at give dem 7-8.000 shillings om måneden. Men 20.609 shillings (1.323kr) mere giver dem den bedste start de kan drømme om.

I dag havde jeg besøg af Linet. Hun blev meget berørt og glad for jeres støtte. Det betyder alverden for familien.

Vi brugte eftermiddagen på at gennemgå hvordan man starter og driver en forretning, hvordan man fører regnskab, og hvordan man laver en forretningsplan. Linet er meget engageret, og man kan mærke at hun ikke kan vente med at komme i gang.

Linet fortalte mig også at hun havde taget hendes søn Ryan til speciallæge i formiddags. Speciallægen tror at Ryan alligevel har lungebetændelse, men har fået en forkert behandling. Linet har derfor fået en recept på ny medicin, men medicinen koster 1.500 shillings (90kr). Så mange penge har familien ikke.

Jeg fik lov til at tage et billede af resultatet fra en røntgenskanning fra marts. Jeg ved ikke hvordan sådanne nogle billeder skal se ud, men højre og venstre lunge ser ihvertfald ikke ens ud.

Indsamlingen mangler stadig 1.323 kroner. Selv små bidrag gør en stor forskel!


English version

Thank you to all the donors who have already contributed! The Otieno family can now start a business with the potential to give them 5,000 shillings a month. But we have not yet reached the target. If we collect just 389 shillings (25kr) more, the family can start a business with the potential to give them 7-8,000 shillings a month. But 20,609 shillings (203USD) gives them an opportunity they could never have dreamed of.

Linet came over to my place this afternoon. She is very touched and grateful for your support. It means the world to the family.

We used the afternoon to review how to start and run a business, how to keep accounts, and how to make a business plan. Linet is very engaged and cannot wait to get started.

Linet also told me that she had taken her son Ryan to a specialist this morning. The specialist believes that Ryan actually has pneumonia, but has been treated incorrectly. Linet has therefore received a prescription for new medicine, but the medicine costs 1,500 shillings (15USD). The family does not have that kind of money.

I was allowed to take a picture of the results of an X-ray scan that took place in March. Here it is clear that the two lungs do not look alike.

The fundraising is still missing 203 USD. Even small donations makes a huge difference!

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