Nov 15, 2018 at 08:20 am

#05 - Introducing Sakuramai Poland!

Update posted by Daniel Rolandi

(Język polski poniżej)

Heads up! This is the first installment in our series to introduce the yosakoi teams that will be sending their members to form the International Yosakoi Team 2019!

Sakuramai Poland was created in December 2012 in the beautiful Polish city of Kraków by two Japanese women - Emiko Tanaka and Eriko Yamaki. The two yosakoi enthusiasts held a workshop in Krakow in order to show a different side of Japanese culture to the Poles around them - and then another, and another… their enthusiasm for the dance and the special energy of yosakoi captivated Polish hearts and spread further, to the capital city of Warsaw and to Poznań.

Even though the team is now split between Krakow and Warsaw, the distance does not stop us from visiting each other and polishing our dance skills together. We have been performing together for six years now, in many Polish cities and even abroad. You can see our dance at our YouTube channel!

Some of our members moved to Japan in the meantime, and continue to dance in Tokyo. We also have sister teams in Canada and Hungary. Through yosakoi, we created not only a dance team, but a vibrant Japanese-Polish community, where everyone is welcome.

We performed at the biggest Japanese culture festivals and events in Poland, including the Matsuri Festival organized by the Embassy of Japan in Warsaw. We also had the honor of collaborating with the Obiyamachisuji Team from Kochi, and performed their song in Poland! This year, some of our dancers went to Kochi under the Sakuramai Poland International Team flag, and that experience can only be described as transformative. We are still hungry for more!

There is joy and energy in honing your skill with trusted friends, as well as an unparalleled sense of achievement when we stand on the stage shoulder to shoulder and put that joy and energy forward - to make our audience happy. We strive to show the beauty of yosakoi across Poland and - as members of the 2019 International Yosakoi Team - to the whole world!


Latem tego roku udało nam się wystąpić w Kochi jako Sakuramai Poland International Team. Nasz projekt międzynarodowej drużyny odniósł tak wielki sukces, że bez wahania aktywnie włączyliśmy się w kolejny projekt, który pozwoli jak największej grupie tancerzy spoza Japonii stać się częścią tego wspaniałego festiwalu. Oczywiście, zbieramy fundusze we własnym zakresie, rezygnując z mniejszych i większych przyjemności, byleby móc znów zakosztować tej atmosfery i stanąć na scenie w Kochi, kolebce tańca Yosakoi. Członkowie naszego zespołu ze wszystkich sił przykładają się do pracy nad tym projektem.

Będziemy wdzięczni za każde wsparcie w imieniu swoim oraz tancerzy z innych zespołów, z którymi mamy nadzieję zatańczyć w Kochi w 2019 roku!

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