Sep 24, 2018 at 02:20 am

No hair, don't care.

Update posted by Cheng Ortaleza

Hi! It's been a while since we last shared an update on Boni's progress in her treatment. This week, on Friday, she will undergo her 2nd Chemotherapy cycle. She had her blood works done last week and it yielded good results. She will also have her blood works again this week, few days before her treatment, to check if everything is in order.

A couple of days ago, she started noticing her hair falling more and more and in clumps. I told her that the treatment is working and that her body is reacting as expected as another way to put things in perspective. I suggested that we have our heads shaved, with her keeping her long locks for donation.

So last Saturday, we went to her preferred stylist and we had our hair... or head, done.

It was a tough decision for her, but a fulfilling one since she had shaving her head in her bucket list for quite some time now.

That's it for now, we will be sharing another update soon as her 2nd Chemotherapy cycle is done. Again, huge thanks to every one who took part in sharing their time in this campaign. We really appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts!

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