Oct 31, 2018 at 10:57 pm

Final Update

Update posted by Sareta Ashraph

Dear all,

As you will hopefully know by now, the ATLAS website has launched at www.atlaswomen.org! It's packed full of women-in-PIL goodness, including: profiles of women in PIL sharing their reflections and advice; insights from women in our field; information on #ATLASToo, event listings, as well as information on ATLAS's mission and vales, how to become an Ally, and merch!

If you're interested in profiling a women in PIL, or in writing an insight (500-800 words only!), or would like to list an event, please get in touch - either through the site or through FB or Twitter (@atlas_women).

Thank you so much for your support! Your donations are what made www.atlaswomen.org possible. We hope you are proud of the result!


Sareta & Michelle

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