Jun 04, 2019 at 10:05 am

Armed conflict in Cameroon :Deplorable living conditions for children (girls and boys)

Update posted by Zakie Nche

Children as a result of the ongoing armed conflict in Cameroon keep displacing, keep dying, being shot as the days go by. Adolescent girls suffer from sexual violence from armed parties and difficulties managing their menstrual as they lack menstruation material. High rate of teenage pregnancy and consequence in the number of teenage moms. Acute malnutrition is on the rise as they lack basic meal per day, children sleep on bare floors in host families due to lack of sleeping material. Children are dying on daily bases from hunger and bad health.

Your $1 is very precious, as it will contribute to ameliorate the living standards of these conflict affected children. Your $1 will contribute to buy the following

-sanitary pads, pants, soap and buckets for menstruating girls so that they menstruate with dignity

-bags of rice and cooking oil, other protein food stuffs to rescue children from acute malnutrition

-Mattresses and other sleeping for children sleeping on bare floor

- warm clothing for children displaced to very cold areas

Thank you for your contribution.

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