Jul 29, 2018 at 01:35 am

From Chapter 6 -- Free Love

Update posted by Thomas Ackerman

Like every element of marriage I have discussed, intimacy is deeply related to each other element, in a truly living way. When we give freely in the marriage bed, the man regularly expresses his headship and the woman regularly manifests her submission to him. When we unite, we also bring about new life, become honored with children to train up and set apart for Jesus, and grandchildren who will inherit the faith and teach others. The husband and wife’s unity for their life will ensure both the faithful continuance of the faith, and the care and protection of the children. The house, full of Gods miracle of new life will need the woman’s loving and caring work, to keep the home, help the husband and nurture the children that intimacy produces. That knowing one another produces. From a unity that reflects the triune God.

The Almighty causes us to give freely in marriage, because it brings about His purposes and uplifts man in who he is. Ephesians 5 says a man who hates his wife hates his own flesh. (vs.29) It is not speaking about physical union, but the same principle applies. To reject intimacy with the spouse God has given us is hatred of self. Hatred of our own flesh. To reject this physical union is to reject our spiritual one. It is to hate our marriage and what it represents. I truly sympathize with the many partners I’ve heard about who are refused intimacy in marriage. Such a refusal is an attack on marriage, and it makes Christians look like unhappy and selfish people. It has likely been the cause of much adultery as well. God’s path is to give freely. His path is always right.

Note: These portions have been edited, but not necessarily a final edit, so the book version may be slightly different.

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