Jul 03, 2018 at 05:19 am


Update posted by Issa Rodriguez

July 7, 2018

Update on Ellie:

We went to a 3rd pedia cardiologist today at the Philippine Heart Center. She confirmed what the 2 other doctors said. Ellie needs open heart surgery to repair her VSD. Just like what the other doctor said, the hole in Ellie’s heart will not close on it’s own because of it’s location (subaortic). She also told us that based on Ellie’s recent 2D echo, it seems that the size of the hole is bigger than what our 1st doctor measured. She said there is a 90% chance that the valve will leak and that surgery is inevitable so it would be better to do it sooner than later because if the valve starts to leak or get damaged, it will be more complicated to repair and will have long-term risks.

We will have the next 2D Echo in September and will schedule the surgery from there.

This is so hard for us to accept but as much as we don’t want Ellie to undergo surgery, we will be putting her more at risk if we decide to delay or not push through with it. We are scared but we put all our trust in the Lord.

Please continue to pray for us, most especially Ellie.


Just yesterday, July 2, we consulted with another pedia cardio and he said that open heart surgery is the only way to close the hole in Ellie’s heart. Putting a device through catetherisation might cause more harm because of the location of the hole.

Since the hole is too close to the aortic valve, it is unlikely that it will close on it’s own. But there’s a possibility that Ellie’s surgery could be delayed if there is no Aortic Regurgitation (leaking) in the next 2D Echo.

His and our 1st doctor’s opinions and recommendations are very similar. This doctor, however, seems more confident that Ellie’s surgery could be delayed by months, or even years, with regular monitoring. We continue to pray that Ellie’s condition will not worsen and her valve will not leak so we will not need the surgery yet.

We are overwhelmed with all the help and support we are receiving from our family and friends, even strangers. We are extremely grateful. Your kind messages of encouragement, prayers and generosity, give us so much hope, strength and confidence that all will be well. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Please continue to pray for Ellie. ❤️

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