Aug 02, 2018 at 08:40 am


Update posted by Siena Elise Cristobal

We got home yesterday after 3 1/2 days in the hospital.

Mom is responding well with the medication and her blood test results are really good.

She was given lower dosage this cycle because of how well her first cycle went. Based on her blood test, it seems like her cancer cells are not there anymore but we still need to push through the remaining cycles to be sure there won't be any left.

Our doctor also informed us that recent studies on her Chemo med showed that patients who went through the chemo had their immune system compromised for longer period of time. Although she was able to maintain good resistance against viruses, we are to take extra precautions still.

That is the challenging part, isolation is very difficult for us since its just the two of us around. Doing regular chores that requires going out is a bit risky, that's why we take extra precautions.

Please pray for Mom to have stronger resistnace as it is impossible for us to really just stay at home (groceries and other errand runs) and provisions for the remaining 4 cycles she has left.

Thank you to everyone that supported us. We are truly blessed.

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