Jun 09, 2018 at 12:35 pm

Good night, our Wonder Woman. You have fought well.

Update posted by Alisson Marie Labor

It is with sadness that we inform you that the light of our household's long battle with cancer has ended last Sunday, June 3, 2018.. Apologies for the time it took to announce her passing away (and the subsequent intention to halt this campaign), but we have spent the week busy mourning her loss. Yesterday, we laid her earthly body in her final resting place. Thank you very much for all the prayers, love, and support you have showered upon us. We ask that you continue to uphold our family in prayers for His comfort, peace, strength, and grace to carry us through the upcoming days, as we adjust to our new "normal" that doesn't have our beloved mum/wife/sister/cousin/godmother/friend in it anymore. May God bless you hundredfold.

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