Apr 21, 2018 at 03:38 pm

Week #5- Status update

Update posted by Lizzie Raabe

Here's what's gone down so far:

The first two weeks (Dad's first hospital stay) Dad got an infection because of the amount of the splinters and debris in his arm wound. It took four attempts (surgeries) to clean it completely. The bull had punctured the whole way through his arm.

He made it home for a couple days over Easter.... Then complications from his wound and trauma meant Dad was back in the hospital.

Now Dad is in a care facility where he is recuperating, getting much needed sleep, and awaiting more surgery. His arm will have to heal more before a skin graft can be performed, but the plastic surgeon hopes to do this / close up at least part of the wound next week.

Thank you so much for all of your support so far, big and small. It's made a HUGE difference in managing this ongoing crisis and its repercussions. Please know that it's your prayers and presence that are bolstering us the most. Much love! -Lizzie

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