Apr 04, 2018 at 01:02 pm

Beginning Stages of Travel Plans!

Update posted by Toni Tesauro

Thus far, I have been able to get Hope micro-chipped for our journey overseas. Her lab results are pending, and once received we can begin processing our import and export permits. Our adventure begins in South Africa, with a couple days in Mozambique (SA doesn't allow cats on planes), a night in Lisbon, Portugal, arrival in New York City to the final destination of Philadelphia. Overall, we will be in transit for 4 days.

Flights have been booked and we are departing from St. Lucia on June 12th! Hope is not very happy about our travel arrangements as she is not used to being cooped up, but I am confident she will adapt quickly. We keep her travel bag close, and play in it often so she gains confidence and security with her comfort levels.

This is a giant step backwards, but a necessary evil in order to make any progress with my goals. We "hope" to be back in South Africa in a year searching for places to work with her (much) bigger counterparts.

In the meantime, please SHARE SHARE SHARE this link on social media and throughout your email contacts.

Thank you!

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