Mar 01, 2018 at 09:26 am


Update posted by Sandra Kekirunga

"Yesterday I had my first day of physiotherapy which was quite difficult but I promise I will manage slowly. Like I advised you- one day at a time. I hope to rest a bit and then send a video message to all those who have been so kind as to pray for me and donate to me, I am so humbled. I ask you to keep me in prayer as there is still a lot of pain. I will be having a full discussion with the billers but I am very sure with God's grace and provision we will be able to clear. God bless you "

I've asked the billing team to contact me with any future discussions because I think the last thing he needs right now is to be settling bills. His journey so far has already been MIRACULOUS and I KNOW we will be able to reach our target. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for all you've done so far. In my initial post I mentioned how struck I was by the generosity of someone who didn't know me from Adam and that sentiment is true again for each of you in one way or another. GOD BLESS YOU.


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