Oct 27, 2017 at 11:51 am

our current situation

Update posted by kristina alexandra caras

hi! I recently adopted 5 kittems. I impuksively took them home even though I knew that it had risks and I would take on a lot of responsibility. But i would never be able to forgive myself if I just left them there on the streets and let luck decide their fate. These are photos of our current situation. I made the storage room of our rental house their room since it is unoccupied. It's about 4x3m. It's just the right size. I visit them everyday to take care of them before and after I go to school because I am still in college.especially simce the youngest one needs to be bottle fed every few hours. They are too young to be left alone for very long. Now here's the problem..

The rental house will be closing. I need to move them out by december. I cannot bring them to our house because my dogs are aggressive against cats. So I need to rent a place near our house. I can manage to pay the monthly rent with my allowance but .. because of the short notice I do not have enough money to pay the advance payment and deposits to move in. I really need to have them near our house because I have no one to depend on to take care of them.

Please help us. I cannot leave them or give them away. They have suffered enough from the streets. I will do my everything to be the best cat mommy even if it takes away all my free time. Rehoming is not an option for me. You do not give away something you love. You must do everything to stay together. Please and thank you!

From me and my little kitties full of love <3

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