Nov 21, 2017 at 08:25 pm

Baby RJ

Update posted by Jon Ray Gregorio

Our daughter has finally been born at exactly 5:35 AM, The attending Doctors had a hard time getting her out because of her right arm being on an angle that somehow prevents her shoulders to budge out. The Doctors then called me to explain the situation and asked me to decide if I'll choose to have the baby delivered in a normal process or have her undergo C-section. While The Doctors were explaining, They again tried to pull her out then lo and behold she managed to pull through and got out alive.

The doctors then told me that baby needs to be baptized/blessed already for she won't last long, I then decides to name her RJ which is the opposite of my nickname JR. She then needs to be taken to the NICU for observation and at least prolong her life or aiming to at least extend it.

I watched her for a few hours breathing thru an oxgen tube and constantly kicking just like when she was still inside her Mom's womb. Then I had to check on my partner's condition and make sure she's alright. After a few hours my Mom who was with us at that moment went outside to help process some papers and when she dropped by to check up on baby RJ, She then noticed that baby RJ doesn't seem to be responding anymore nor was she moving/kicking. She then alerted the nearest Nurse/staff to check up on her status. Until my Mom rushed in inside the room where my partner is at delivering the bad news. I then rushed to check if it was indeed true hoping she was mistaken but when I got there and saw her, It was too late. Baby RJ passed away at exactly 10:10 AM. The saddest part of it was she hasn't been able to meet her Mom while she was still breathing. I then decided to ask for permission to have Baby RJ transferred to my partner's room to bid Baby RJ goodbye and to hold and kiss her at least for the last time.

Took several pictures of our daughter as a simple memento of a family we once build.

My daughter's remains lie at a local Funeral/Memorial chapel in our small town and the interment is schedules to be on the 22nd of November 2017.

We would like to extend our gratitude to those whoe helped support us in these time of need and our darkest hour.

Again, from the bottom of our hearts, We would like to thank you all for being part of our daughter's short but meaningful life.

God bless Us all.

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