Oct 02, 2017 at 11:10 am

Update : 1 October 2017

Update posted by Jenni Boyce

A practical update for all of you incredibly supportive fans and loved-ones of Ben the warrior xxx

Today we switched the last of the IV meds to oral. (Apparently tastes terrible!!!!) it is an essential one (of many - like, 12 per day) forseizure treatment so can't be avoided.
The brilliant thing is that with no reliance on IV, should Ben respond well to the current meds mix, we can remove the central line and work on getting him home ❤️
As always, we take our guidance from Ben - who let us not forget, removed his own feeding tube and told us whenthe permanent vital-sign monitoring was no longer welcome nor needed 😂

Today we bumped into his incredible neurosurgeon (on a hospital cruise in a wheelchair) . A kind, incredible man who reminded me - if he didn't see this with his own eyes, he would never believe it. He owes ben a soccer ball apparently

Sending massive love and strength to all of you from all of us. Be kind. Always.
#teamben #peace

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